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Friday Shabbat Shalom

 Building the Future, Remembering the Past

Oct 29, 2021

Building the Future, Remembering the Past

One of the astounding and insightful skills of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (z”l), who died on the 20th of (the Hebrew month of) Heshvan last year, was his ability to distill from Torah literature something he called “Life-Changing Ideas.” It reminds me very much of the late Dr. Max Kadushin whose groundbreaking work illustrated how the Rabbis analyzed the actions of personalities we find in the Torah and the rest of the Bible and then extrapolated from them ideas that conveyed the fundamental value concepts of Judaism.
Resting Beneath the Tree

Oct 22, 2021

Resting Beneath the Tree

In this week’s parsha, Vayera, we are brought into a story midstream. At the conclusion of last week’s parsha, Lech-Lecha, we hear of Abraham’s and Yishmael’s circumcisions - Abraham at the age of 99. We hear of the procedure, and then the parsha ends.
Knowledge Is Power

Oct 15, 2021

Knowledge Is Power

This week’s Torah portion, Lech Lecha, opens with G-d calling out to Abram, saying: “Lech, Lecha/ Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you.” (Beresheet/Genesis 12:1-2) The rabbis of our tradition understand the phrase “Lech Lecha” as having multiple possible translations.
A Sea Change

Oct 8, 2021

A Sea Change

This week’s Torah portion is Noah, which conveys the Biblical story of the Flood. I remember this one was a favorite of both of my kids, because at school they had to make dioramas of the Ark and the little animals going in 2 by 2 (though 14 by 14 for the Kosher ones) and my creative eldest daughter used an Obi-Wan Kenobi action figure for Noah since the robes were perfect!
Creation Begins with Separation

Oct 1, 2021

Creation Begins with Separation

All creation begins with separation. Think about it. When a child is born… when a loved one dies… when your job ends… when you finish college… when you move… when you have an idea that bubbles to the surface… look at how many separations we go through in the course of our lives!
Sukkot: Singin’ for The Rain

Sep 24, 2021

Sukkot: Singin’ for The Rain

Many years ago, I saw a fascinating documentary with a very simple title-- Water. The documentary had virtually no dialogue and through imagery, intended to highlight the precious resource, its unequal distribution, and how the entire trajectory and success of a civilization is determined by such a basic resource.
Where is Your Behira Point?

Sep 17, 2021

Where is Your Behira Point?

Even if you know what is good, right and desirable, it isn't so simple just to act that way. No sooner does an inclination to do something good come into your mind or heart than up pops an objection. It might be a contrary thought, or a feeling, or a desire pulling you in the opposite direction. The Jewish sages give a name to this negative impulse. They call it the yetzer hara, the inclination to evil. We all have that inclination and it challenges us, which is the purpose for which it exists.