
Making a Difference

Posted on 06/30/2023 @ 06:00 AM

Tags: CAJE Spotlight

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

As we reflect back upon the 2022-23 academic year, CAJE— the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education in Miami -- wants to thank the many people who have contributed to our collective achievements over this past year.  

Todah Rabbah | Thank You

  • To our CAJE Board members who champion the importance of Jewish education, serve as our ambassadors in the community and financially support our agency!
  • To our talented and dedicated CAJE Staff who labor tirelessly, often over nights and weekends, to get the work done and done well!
  • To our generous funders — especially the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and our Kadima campaign givers -- for investing your money with CAJE so that Jewish education can thrive here in Miami!

Looking back this year, all of us – those who champion, serve, and fund Jewish education, have made a real difference. Together, we have: 
  • Received a grant from a prominent national foundation to improve CAJE’s technology and marketing (if we can find matching donations up to $100,000)
  • Been invited to join the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge sponsored by the Mayberg Foundation
  • Concluded our 2019 Covenant Foundation grant for Kavannah Coaching, an professional development initiative for youth professionals
  • Pioneered a tri-County recruitment effort to attract new religious school teachers
  • Increased teacher knowledge and parent engagement in four Early Childhood schools through the Jewish Resource Specialist project
  • Provided transformative professional development for scores of day school teachers, enabled thousands of dollars to flow through Title funds to our schools, and promoted robotics training, culminating in a county-wide Robotics Festival
  • Doubled the number of students participating in Israel Now, an 8th grade initiative to connect students with Israel and our community
  • Recruited a full cohort of Diller Teen Fellows, a 10th & 11th grade initiative that builds leadership skills, Jewish identity and a people-to-people experience of Israel
  • Engaged 65 seniors in high school in Holocaust and Israel education through the Leo Martin March of the Living program
  • Networked early childhood, congregational education, and day school principals as well as youth professionals serving teens
  • Broadcast an online workshop How to Talk with your Children and Grandchildren about Antisemitism and enrolled hundreds of students in adult learning classes online
  • Attracted 35,000 patrons to 106 film premieres at the Miami Jewish Film Festival, the largest Jewish film festival in the world
  • Provided thought leadership to the Greater Miami Jewish Federation as well as our community schools, congregations, and agencies
  • And so much more!

These are YOUR achievements as much as they are ours.
We hope you feel gratified in these results.

As we close our fiscal year, please consider being an investor in the work of CAJE and Jewish education by clicking here to donate and enabling us to continue our profound impact on this great community. Thank you!