
Like Our Incredible Survivors, the ‘March’ Persists Despite the Obstacles

Posted on 02/05/2021 @ 07:00 AM

Tags: Teen Education & Engagement, March of the Living

“We are like a big chain and each one of you is a link.
Never break the link. And remember, the chain has to be intact forever.”

These powerful words were one of the important ‘take-aways’ from the first session of Miami’s Leo Martin March of the Living 2021 this past Sunday. While we might not be able to travel to Poland and Israel this year, nevertheless, high school seniors from across Miami gathered virtually to learn about life before the War as well as explore their Jewish Identities, which they discovered were just as complex, interesting and diverse as the Jews growing up decades ago in far off lands. They also learned from local Holocaust Survivor, Anita Karl.

Anita impressed upon the teens the importance of keeping her story alive. She explained, “We are like a big chain and each one of you is a link. Never break the link. And remember, the chain has to be intact forever.”
The group discussed the significance of bearing witness and sharing Anita's story into the future. After her talk, Marchers committed themselves to being a voice for survivors and sharing their message with their own children and others so we, and the world, never forget.
Later this month, Marchers will hear from two more Holocaust survivors and discuss the importance of being an upstander.
This past month, CAJE’s March of the Living (MOTL) program also participated in the #WeRemember campaign for International Holocaust Remembrance day. Alumni of all ages (1988-2020) participated in the social media campaign, expressing how much the March had shaped them and how important it is to continue telling the story of our past. This is another piece of living proof that the March makes a lasting and transformative impact on its alumni.
Many of these alumni are now clamoring to participate in our Alumni Spotlight Series, where they have the opportunity to share their experience of the March for everyone. 



As if that weren’t enough, 
Miami’s MOTL partnered with Hillel of FIU in a Shabbat of the Living program where nine of our MOTL alumni shared their experiences with other FIU students and the FIU Hillel community. They discussed the importance of remembering stories of the Shoah, sang Hatikvah together and commemorated the six million lives lost in the Holocaust. It was an extremely moving program for all who participated.
If you want to learn more about Miami’s Leo Martin March of the Living virtual 2021 program, click here.

If you are an MOTL alumni or know of one, click here.
And don’t forget to “like” and “follow” MOTL on Facebook and Instagram!