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A Pivotal Program for a Pivotal Moment!

Apr 21, 2023

A Pivotal Program for a Pivotal Moment!

You’ve just been told you are an adult according to Judaism, but honestly, you know that you aren’t an adult, because you’re still in middle school. That’s why 8th grade is such an important time to ensure Jewish teens build a long-lasting connection to their heritage.
The March Is Finally Travelling!

Apr 13, 2023

The March Is Finally Travelling!

The Mission of the Miami March of the Living is to educate the next generation of leaders to strengthen their Jewish identity, remember the Holocaust, act as witnesses, and respond to intolerance and antisemitism, ensuring a strong Jewish future in America, Israel, and around the world.
Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh La Zeh: The People of Israel Are Responsible for One Another

Mar 31, 2023

Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh La Zeh: The People of Israel Are Responsible for One Another

Many people who support Federation only know of one or two aspect of the work it does, or think it only sends money to Israel, forgetting the amazing work it sustains in Jewish communities around the world and of course, here at home.
Rethinking Education: CAJE & MindCET

Mar 24, 2023

Rethinking Education: CAJE & MindCET

Entrepreneurs are agents of change who are able to move quickly, identify gaps and opportunities, offer solutions, test them and refine them - all while operating in real time. CAJE realized that technology-based entrepreneurship has much to offer the world of education.
Our Journey to Israel Strengthens Our Future - IsraelNow -

Mar 17, 2023

Our Journey to Israel Strengthens Our Future - IsraelNow -

IsraelNow is a transformative and rewarding experience for Jewish 8th graders in Miami-Dade public schools or non-Jewish private schools. It’s an immersive and guided journey that teaches them as much about themselves as it does about their heritage.
The Diller “Recipe” for Leadership

Mar 10, 2023

The Diller “Recipe” for Leadership

How do you make leaders? Everyone wishes they had the recipe. Well, the Diller Teen Fellows program has been making leaders for 10 years here in Miami, and many more nationally and internationally, so they obviously have a good recipe!
Experience the "Wow!"

Mar 3, 2023

Experience the "Wow!"

Every week, close to 150 adult learners are inspired as they participate in courses offered by CAJE’s Department of Adult Learning & Growth. Our faculty serve as guides on a stimulating journey, and our students engage in discussions that are insightful and powerful.
Leadership for Learning: Strengthening Miami Jewish Day Schools & Looking Ahead

Feb 24, 2023

Leadership for Learning: Strengthening Miami Jewish Day Schools & Looking Ahead

This week CAJE had the opportunity to present our work to the joint Federation/CAJE Day School Committee composed of representatives from all of our funded schools as well as community leaders deeply invested in day school education.
The Miami March: Teens Encountering Their History

Feb 17, 2023

The Miami March: Teens Encountering Their History

One of the main tenants of the Miami March of the Living is to educate participants -- the next generation of leaders-- to remember the Holocaust, act as witnesses, and respond to intolerance and antisemitism through education.
 CAJE Recognized Nationally

Feb 10, 2023

CAJE Recognized Nationally

Rabbi Efrat Zarren-Zohar was chosen by Prizmah and the JEIC/ Mayberg Foundation to be one of only 25 people nationally representing all facets of the Teacher Recruitment & Retention issue as part of a group working on improving the Pipeline of Jewish Day School Educators.