A New Cycle of Learning is Coming!
Posted on 10/14/2022 @ 06:00 AM

Photo by Ivan Bertolazzi on Pexels
In the spirt of Simchat Torah next week, as we begin again the ageless cycle of Torah with Bereshit (Genesis), we invite you to start your own personal cycle of learning with us.
Come take a deep dive into Devarim (Deuteronomy) and Vayikra (Leviticus). Brush up on your Hebrew or perfect your Hebrew... can the inspiration for a trip to Israel be far behind? Get the facts and insights you wish you had about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Knowledge is power.
Join friends, new and old, with compelling discussions about women's topics, ethics, history, mysticism, music, religion and culture. Our lifelong scholars (Dr. Lilienthal, Rabbi Dr. Weisberg, Rabbi Lipson...) lead lifelong learners to read between the lines and stay fresh on current and world events.
Come on a journey with us from wherever in the world you are! Invite your friends to come too.
Want to know what else?
A FREE BONUS comes with every class...
Camaraderie, knowledge, a happy enriched soul, and much more.